Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register for camp?
You can register for camp online by CLICKING HERE.
I forgot my log in information for Registration, where can I retrieve it?
CLICK HERE to go to the On Goal registration site to reset your login/password.
At what age may my child attend On Goal Soccer Camp?
Campers need to be entering Kindergarten to attend On Goal Soccer Camp.
What are the MicroStars?
Designed specifically for children entering Kindergarten and 1st grade, the MicroStar program is a half day program that includes lots of fun games to encourage the development of footskills.
My child is too old for the MicroStar program, can he/she still attend a half day?
Our MicroStar program is designed specifically for the development of players in Kindergarten and 1st grade and unfortunately we cannot allow older players to participate.
My MicroStar is a great player and wants to stay all day, can he/she?
While we realize each player is at a different stage of their soccer development, we cannot make allowances for the MicroStar aged player to stay all day.
How old is ‘too old’ for On Goal?
Players who have completed 9th grade are too old for our On Goal Soccer Day Camps. Contact us about On Goal Advanced Camp (for high school players) or about being an assistant coach.
Are scholarships available?
Scholarships are usually available through our church partners, please contact your camp coordinator for scholarship information.
Does my child need soccer shoes to attend camp?
We encourage all players to wear soccer shoes for their safety and the safety of other players. If your child’s soccer shoes are brand new, we would also encourage campers to bring gym shoes or a pair of soccer shoes that are broken in to avoid blisters.
Can my child be placed on the same team as their friend?
While we can’t guarantee that your child will be placed with their friend, we do encourage every child to make new friends and guarantee that your child will have a great time.
I need to cancel my camp registration, what do I do?
Contact your camp coordinator for a refund.
Can I drop my child off early? What if I can’t pick up my child right at 3pm?
We cannot provide child care before or after camp. Please do not leave your child prior to 8:45am, and please pick them up promptly after camp.
Is water provided?
Yes, water jugs will be available. Campers should bring a water bottle clearly marked with their name so they can re-fill it throughout the camp day.
What about medications or injuries?
A staff member or camp nurse will be on-site to manage all first aid related issues. For injuries that appear serious, paramedics will be called.
What happens if it rains?
If the rain is light and there is no thunder or lightning, we will play. If the weather is severe and looks like it will pass, we will seek shelter and wait until the weather clears. If severe weather persists, we may need to delay the start of camp, end early, or cancel camp. Please contact your camp coordinator with questions and check your email often for updates regarding delays and cancellations.